Pharaoh hound 04

Pharaoh hound photo by Frank Vincentz – Wikipedia
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This image titled Pharaoh hound 04 is attached to our article about Discover The Majestic Pharaoh Hound dog. You can check out the article for more info about Discover The Majestic Pharaoh Hound dog breed and find even more great photos and HD wallpapers.

Excerpt from our Discover The Majestic Pharaoh Hound article:
As the ancient Phoenicians roamed their lands, they came across dogs with strong hunting instincts and cunning intelligence. They were among the earliest domesticated animals and were used by early Egyptians to assist them in herding livestock. Some of these dogs even became part of royalty as pets. Today, the Pharaoh Hound has been all but lost, with few left. Therefore,... Read full article »
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