The Pug

"Pugs are very lazy and spend a lot of time napping. They are rarely agressive and very suitable for families with children."

Other names for this breed:Chinese pug, Dutch bulldog, Dutch mastiff, Mini mastiff, Mops, Carlin

Country of origin:



Coat:Fine glossy coat

Color:Fawn, apricot fawn, silver fawn, or black.

Life span:Median 11 years


AKC - American Kennel Club:

UKC - United Kennel Club:

TKC - The Kennel Club:

NZKC - New Zealand Kennel Club:

FCI - International: ,

Pug wallpaper

The Pug is a breed of dog that has a short snout, folds on the face, very large eyes and small flapped over ears. They are short to the ground and muscular. Their colors are usually fawn with black faces but they can also be all black or all fawn in color. Their coat is smooth and shiny. Pugs have small sized heads, and often have noticeable under bites.

Pug History

The Pug can be traced back to the Song Dynasty in China in the year 960. They appeared in Europe in the 15th century when they were brought from China and became a favored pet of royal families. They were brought to the US in the 1800’s.


Pugs are notoriously lazy; as a matter of fact they are so lazy that they are prone to obesity. Pugs love children and are great family dogs, they just do not like to run around much. They will follow their owners wherever they go unless it involves a run of sorts.

They have a great temperament when it comes to children, and they get along well with other dogs and are rarely aggressive. Pugs aren’t the type of dog which likes to be left alone though: they prefer to be right up in the middle of the mix so they can see what is going on.

They are easily trained because they are very mellow and like the attention when they do something right. They enjoy a good nap. Like other dog breeds with short snouts, Pugs do not do well in regulating their body heat so being left outside is not a good option.

Care and Living Arrangements

Pugs are great for both apartments and houses. They are great city dwellers because they enjoy a good walk but do not need a lot of backyard space. They can be a little difficult in the housebreaking because they are lazy and would much rather take care of their business in the house than make the effort to go find someone to take them outdoors.

The folds in their face need to be cleaned regularly or the risk of infection is ever present. They can get by with a washcloth bath because they are a short haired breed. They can not be exposed to extreme heat for any length of time.

Health Issues

Like other short snouted dogs Pugs often have trouble breathing and can sometimes snort when they breathe. Pugs are prone to eye issues because their large eyes are unprotected. They can get scratches on their cornea and their eyes can prolapse. The signature curled tail of the Pug also can pose issues and result in hemivertebrae: a condition that is caused when vertibrae is not fused correctly, and it can cause paralysis. There is also the very real possibility of obesity in Pugs but it can be easily avoided by a proper diet and exercise program. Other health concerns are largely genetic and harder to avoid.