English Foxhound

English Foxhound

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  • Photo resolution: 649 × 1024
  • Author: Llima Orosa
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This image titled English Foxhound is attached to our article about English Foxhound: The World’s Cutest Dog dog. You can check out the article for more info about English Foxhound: The World’s Cutest Dog dog breed and find even more great photos and HD wallpapers.

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English Foxhound: The World’s Cutest Dog

Excerpt from our English Foxhound: The World’s Cutest Dog article:

If you’re looking for the cutest dog in the world, then your search just ended. The English Foxhound is an ancient breed that has developed into a loving pet and a beautiful working dog. This is because of their adorable face, soft coat, gentle nature and their hunting instincts. English Foxhounds have an exceptional ability to hunt anything from rabbit... Read full article »

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