Ibizan Hound 02

Image info:
- Photo resolution: 1818 × 1228
- Author: Chicocvenancio
- Image source
This image titled Ibizan Hound 02 is attached to our article about Ibizan Hound dog. You can check out the article for more info about Ibizan Hound dog breed and find even more great photos and HD wallpapers.

Excerpt from our Ibizan Hound article:
I’m a big fan of the Ibizan Hound, but it’s not just my appreciation for the breed that makes me want to write about them. It’s also the fact that they’re one of few breeds that has yet to be officially recognized by the FCI—and that means there’s still plenty of room for them to grow in popularity! Ibizan hounds are... Read full article »
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