Recognized dog breed group by American Kennel Club, Sporting group includes 28 breeds; developed as bird dogs. Includes Pointers, Retrievers, Setters, and Spaniels.
Sporting dogs are strong, lively dogs that make excellent, well-rounded companions. First developed to work closely with hunters to locate and/or retrieve prey, these dogs are known for their exceptional hunting and other field instincts. Many of these breeds are skilled hunters and enjoy other field tasks, like hunting and hunting. Water-retrieving breeds possess water-resistant coats that are remarkably impervious to the elements. Sporting dogs need regular, vigorous exercise to keep them healthy and content.
Dog Breeds
The American Water Spaniel, or AWS, is a fantastically beautiful brown hunting dog. Ask people to think of a hunting dog they have seen in the past, and
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Dog Breeds
The English Cocker Spaniel is a “gun dog” bred initially as a hunting dog. The history of the Spaniels can be traced back over 500 years. The modern
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Dog Breeds
The Golden Retriever is a large dog that is often mistaken for a Labrador Retriever. They were bred to be hunting dogs that would retrieve water fowl. They
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Dog Breeds
The American Cocker Spaniel is one of the most versatile looking breeds. They are the smallest breed of dog recognized by the AKC as a sporting dog. They
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Dog Breeds
The regal Weimaraner may sometimes be mistaken for a smaller greyhound. However, these gorgeous dogs are in a class (and breed) all their own. For years, the Weimaraner
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Dog Breeds
One of the most family friendly dogs you can choose is a Labrador Retriever. These well known family friendly dogs are highly intelligent, very trainable and simply adorable.
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Dog Breeds
The German Shorthaired Pointer is a hunting breed that was developed in the 19th century. It has a tail that stands out straight when it spots game hence
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